Four Stone Hearth XVI on Testimony of the Spade

Welcome to this the 16th edition of the Four Stone Hearth. It’s a pleasure to be part of the carnival and it has given me an opportunity to browse blogs earlier unknown to me. Here at testimony of the spade most posts have come to concern Krononberg county in the province of Småland in the south of Sweden as that is were I currently work. As most archaeologists surely know archaeology gives you an opportunity to work all over, this is something you can read about in one of my other blogs Yangshao projektet. Normally the posts on this blog is in Swedish but I made an exception for this occasion.

When I started to look for interesting blogs I started out with my predecessors and then I gotten a few tips from here and there, thanks!

Lets start this carnival…

Söraby 57

…with a picture of cairn (Söraby 57:1).

Martin Rundkvist on Aar has sent us this contribution with the title Your folks my folks in prehistory. The post starts with the question of: Who made the rock carvings (in Sweden)? This leads to questions regarding ethnicities, race and who has the right to interpret prehistory. Martin discusses conceptions, ideas and interpretations that are more global than mere local.

Thoughts on the “Black Swan” wreck and why I resist the notion that a for-profit treasure hunting outfit could do excellent and appropriate archeology and also finance its work through the sale of treasure and certain artifacts where there is 17 tons of gold and silver coin involved… delivers a post about the recent finds of a Roman skeleton near some early Saxon pottery on the eastern side of Trafalgar Sq.

On the Yangshao projects blog there is a post about two journeys to China and about the project aims and goals.

In the Antiquarian’s Attic one can find archaeological facts on frogs. Did you know the ancient Czechs were eating them more than 5,000 years ago.

Remote central gives us a news flash regarding the latest issue of Current Anthropology where a few artcles on ritual human sacrifices has caught this bloggers eye. Two articles of funerary practice are presented: “Decapitation and Rebirth: A Headless Burial from Nasca, Peru”, by Christina Conlee, and “From the Sunghir Children to the Rmito Dwarf – Aspects of the Upper Paleolithic Funerary Landscape” by Vincenzo Formicola.

On SEAArch – The Southeast Asian Archaeology Newsblog you get to know how to Make your own Angkor Wat. Now that’s sometning for a rainy day!

On Clioaudio is a weblog where you can find links to the sites and bloggs they bookmarked with a small comment. This is a very good way to find new sites on the net. Clioaudio will host the Four Stone hearth the July 4th.

This post is a few days old but intresting all the same. On Hot cup of Joe is a post on The Emergence of the Israelites from an Archaeological Perspective. Among other things a list of hypotheses to explain the emergence of the Israelites in Canaan is presented.

ArcheaoBlog tells us of af project that aims to construct a temporary obelisk, designed to replicate a Roman solarium constructed by Augustus Caesar in 10 B.C.

Theoretical discussions is always intresting. Cornelius Holtorf  on Archaeolog asks: What comes after Post-processualism???

Northstate Science hosted this blogcarnival a few months back. In one of the latest posts he disscus a news article on a Valedictorian speach. With a starting point in this he discuss ethics, religion and courage. In this speech he doesn’t find much of neither ethics and courage.

Next festival will be hosted by Hominin Dental Anthropology (on June 20th). Here you can read about Clovis and exploding extraterrestrial rocks.

Here on Testimony of the spade I would like to show you all a small piece of Småland. These pictures are from a small community called Hamneda, it’s a rural place just loaded with wonderful monuments and sites.

Four Stone Hearth is published bi-weekly, Wednesdays in odd-number weeks. If you would like to host the carnival, please send an email to:

If you would like to submit content to the next issue of the carnival, please send an email to:

// Magnus Reuterdahl

About Magnus Reuterdahl

I am an archaeologist/Osteologist from Sweden. My main intrest lays in north Euorpean archaeology in, preferbly the prehistory of the late iron age and the neolithic periods. I've also got a strong intrest for Chinese archaeology, especially the neolithc Yangshao culture. I also write about cultural heritage and cultural history. Mitt namn är Magnus Reuterdahl, jag är arkeolog och osteolog och arbetar företrädesvis i Sverige även om jag gjort ett par vändor till Kina. På den här bloggen skriver jag om mitt yrke, om fornlämningar, kulturarv och kulturhistoria m m. View all posts by Magnus Reuterdahl

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