Christmas greetings to ya all

First some important announcements;

The next Four Stone Hearth blog carnival  is but a week away and I would like to ask you to be creative during the holidays, if you are please let me know via a comment here or a mail. For you who have read something you feel should be a part of the next 4SH please do the same.


Neuroanthropology hosts the first yearly edition of the Best of Anthropology Blogging and calls for Submissions, check it out!

As it is Christmas Eve and that’s the day we celebrate Christmas by sharing a couple of great gifts; given to me this year.

From an anonymous (for you) donor I’ve gotten his cranium. It has belonged to a doctor (now retired) who bought it in the 50’s during his studies. He felt that it should continue to serve science and will do so through me.

A big thank you goes to fellow archaeologist Leif Häggström working at Kulturmiljö Halland (the author of the blog Arkeologi i Väst – in Swedish). He gave me some fine animal-bones. Among others this vixen (Vulpes vulpes), se pic below.

I also got some bones from a roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), some sheep and from fowls.




roe deer



Some of these will be delivered to archaeologist/osteologist Åsa M Larsson of the blog Ting och tankar (blog in Swedish).


sheep ca 6 months old


sheep ca 6 months old

I’ll take a short Christmas break in blogging but I’ll be back before the New Year.

Now I’ll go celebrate Christmas so Happy Christamas to all of you!

Magnus Reuterdahl

About Magnus Reuterdahl

I am an archaeologist/Osteologist from Sweden. My main intrest lays in north Euorpean archaeology in, preferbly the prehistory of the late iron age and the neolithic periods. I've also got a strong intrest for Chinese archaeology, especially the neolithc Yangshao culture. I also write about cultural heritage and cultural history. Mitt namn är Magnus Reuterdahl, jag är arkeolog och osteolog och arbetar företrädesvis i Sverige även om jag gjort ett par vändor till Kina. På den här bloggen skriver jag om mitt yrke, om fornlämningar, kulturarv och kulturhistoria m m. View all posts by Magnus Reuterdahl

2 responses to “Christmas greetings to ya all

  • ArchAsa

    What wonderful x-mas presents! 🙂
    Hope you had a happy holiday

  • Magnus Reuterdahl

    Aren’t they the best; bones and more bones. And I got an almost complete elk yesterday, the bone collection keeps on growing.

    It’s been a good holiday and now I look foward to New Year’s eve